The firefighters saved the little puma now she looks like little Simba from the well known mutefilm

The firemakers saved the puma which was very weak from the hunger.She was at first taken too the shelter of the beasts were she stayed and after not much time became a very beautiful and healthy beast.

The firefighters heard the strange marmer of an animal and went near and near to see what had happened.Going near they saw the little puma which was cring fron hunger and maybe wanted her mother.The two men Joe and Nick waited for  the  big beast  but she did not come .Nik and Joe went to bring some shipping and when returned it seemed that the poor animal was waiting them.They took the beast to the wild animals shelter San-Diego.The doctors examined the baby and cured her.

But the weight was very less.After a months the puma started roar very loudly.The doctors thought that it was their first turn to be very well.Now the beast is ten kilogramms.and looks like the king Simba.

As  it  was  written  the  puma became very cruel and now they will take her to the wood

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