The Golden Retriever that saved the life of a stray kitten is very gentle with him.

During a walk with his beloved master, the Golden Retriever suddenly appeared out of nowhere, carrying a small white kitten in his mouth.

The dog stayed next to the rescued kitten all the time and did not leave her, not even for a second. He literally became her guardian.

Inspired by his dog’s kind and commendable gesture, the owner decided to take the poor kitten with him, of course, after searching for the hungry kitten’s mother.

But the owner of the dog did not find anyone in this environment, apparently the little kitten was lost.

When he got home, he washed the adorable kitten and fed him. But the man didn’t know what to do: leave him at home or take him to a local shelter.

After all, the man decided to “adopt” the lost kitten and take care of it, especially when he noticed the kindness and compassion his dog showed towards this beautiful creature.

Soon after, the Golden Retriever and the white kitten became good friends.

Now they eat from the same plate, sleep side by side, even bathe together and, of course, play all the time at home or in the garden.

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