«Attention is something that has helped humans survive since ancient times.
In modern times, it has generally remained unchanged. Of course, we no longer need to hunt mammoths or make fire diligently.
However, the ability to concentrate remains essential to us in daily life.
Without this precious quality, we wouldn’t be able to build good relationships with others, memorize the information we need, and thus streamline our way of life.
The editorial team of Simply Genius! offers you an attention test that will demonstrate if it is sufficiently developed in you.
First, try to assess the level of development of your attention span.
The following image is a challenging test. Try to find the butterfly, bat, and duck in the picture within a maximum of three minutes.
If this task is easy for you, your attention span is very good.
If not, it’s a good idea to improve it. Here are five ways to improve your attention span.
There are many exercises of this type on the web.
The idea is to write the names of the colors that do not match the text.
Try naming the color instead of reading the word.
It may seem easy at first glance, but 90% of people immediately fall into the trap.
Find a special chart where words are arranged in a random order. Now you have to find the hidden words among the chaos of letters.
Every time you walk down the street, make it a rule to count everything you see along your way.
The ability to be attentive is a skill that can be a great advantage for you in all areas of your life, from your career to your personal relationships.
It is important to note that this is a skill, which means that everyone is capable of developing it to the required level. Good luck.»