The young couple Andy and his girlfriend Jessica decided to adopt a cat and went to the shelter for this purpose to do a good deed and give care and love to at least one purr.
When they examined animals from one cage, a cat looked at them with a sad look. He was quite large and the girl wanted to take him in her arms and caress him.
And just then the cat hugged the girl, leaned his muzzle on her shoulder and refused to let go.
The big cat was brought to the shelter for the reason that he couldn’t communicate with other pets or with children. Because of the strong hugs, he was given the nickname Klatch.
Jessica raised a baby at home, with whom the cat might not have a relationship.Besides, they already had one cat which required love and affection. Klatch’s character did nothing to help him get adopted.
But young people didn’t leave the yearning cat in a shelter and decided to find new owners for him.
Moreover, the cat grabbed the girl so much that he did not want to go back . Jessica took pictures of the cat and dedicated a separate post to him on the social network. And just a few days later, a loving, caring family was found for our Klatch, and we hope that he will get along there and soften his temper a little.