The man said he was going to call the woman’s father to take her home, but the situation seemed unsuitable to him. It was then that they decided to follow him.
Arnaud Nimenya, James Hielema, Starlyn Rivas-Perez, and Carsyn Wright are four teenage skateboarders.
The four skateboarders were hanging out in the underground parking lot at Chinook Mall.
Then they saw something that just didn’t sit well with them.
They noticed a well-dressed man carrying a young woman who appeared to be heavily drunk and in distress.
“She was screaming and yelling. She just wanted to be out of there. She was all scuffed up and dirty,” said Wright, one of the skateboarders.
The boys didn’t know what to do with the situation, but stopped the man and asked him a few questions to determine if the woman was safe.
The man said he was going to call the woman’s father to take her home.However, the situation still seemed unsettling to the boys.
The boys rode a little, but decided to return to check the situation.
When they returned, the man was sexually assaulting the inebriated girl.
“He was trying to walk out and walk away from us,” said Nimenya. “He pushed me aggressively out of the way, kinda like just gives me the smile, like, ‘I can do this. You can’t do anything about it.’”
However, the boys were not going to let him go.Even though the situation could be dangerous, 4 brave young men took action.
3 of the boys chased after the man and the fourth stayed with the victim.
When the boys caught up with the man, a fight broke out. The man took one of their longboards and used it to attack the three boys.
However, the police soon arrived and arrested the man.
The police wanted to reward the boys for their bravery, but the teenagers were initially afraid to speak to the police.
Of course, this is standard behavior for skateboarders, but they would receive an award from Chief Const.
These brave young men are truly heroes, and thanks to their actions, the girl is kept safe.