Florida photographer Laurie Wolf noticed that an owl had settled in her backyard. She always loved animals and even arranged a special place for birds to nest, and just one of these was taken by an owl. The girl expected the owls to hatch soon.
After a couple of days, she decided to check the nest and found a fluffy lump there.And, surprisingly, the chick wasn’t an owlet there. A caring owl decided to warm a little black-and-yellow duck under her wing.
Lori was worried that a predatory owl might eat a duckling and therefore asked a bird specialist about this.He said that her fears weren’t unfounded.
The staff of the reserve, which is located nearby, took up the upbringing of the duckling. However, an attempt to catch him was unsuccessful.The cub fled to a nearby reservoir and after a while he returned to the nest again and even called his parents there.Apparently, he liked the house equipped by the hostess.
How the duckling got into the owl’s nest is still a mystery. Lori shared that a family of ducks living nearby was recently attacked by a bird of prey.And then one of the birds decided to hide it in a safe nest, and by this chance, the owl and duckling became practically relatives.