The stray dog was reunited with its owner a year later.

When a charming pit bull named Kodak disappeared, his father, Max Maxwell, searched for him for several weeks. It seemed that the two would never be reunited. But more than a year later, Kodak found its way home.

Maxwell almost lost all hope of seeing Kodak again when the dog didn’t show up a few weeks after his disappearance.

Unfortunately, Maxwell moved to Los Angeles, California, which made his chances of finding his dog even less.

Surprisingly, after more than a year’s hiatus, Maxwell received a call on his birthday from the RSPCA. They gave him the best gift: his dog!

In an interview with The Dodo, Maxwell shared that someone found a Kodak outside of Indianapolis, Indiana. Because he had a microchip, they were able to find Maxwell and tell him the good news.

The only dilemma was to get the Kodak to California to find its owner!

Fortunately, they managed to send the dog with the help of pilot Julian Javor, founder of Pet Rescue Pilots.

And soon after, Kodak and Maxwell had a reunion that they had been waiting for for over a year.

Their reunion was incredibly sweet. It is clear that they were both bored!

Watch their reunion in the video below:

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