This tiger cub was rejected by his mother, but he found his best friend in the face of a dog

Do you still believe the cat and dog stereotype is true? It wasn’t here. For true friendship, there are no barriers, including species ones, and you can always find something in common, even with obvious differences.

Ample evidence of the above is the friendship of a Bengal tiger cub and a Kurzahaar dog named Chelsea. Despite the fact that the animals are completely different.They managed to find a common language and this is an incredibly sweet sight.

Chelsea is older than the Hunter ( a nickname was given to the puppy) by only three weeks, that is, they are almost the same age and they are nursed by 22-year-old employee of the Praetorian reserve Antea Mikhaletos.

The hunter was absolutely alone, without a mother, brothers and sisters.But he managed to find a true friend, albeit of a completely different kind. Anthea, however, says that playing with a dog has the same learning and socialization functions for the Hunter as with fellow tribesmen.

They get very upset when they are locked in different cages at night and look forward to the morning. Unfortunately, not everything is so rosy, since this friendship cannot last longer than six months for security reasons. Growing up, a hunter can simply take Chelsea’s life.

Even now, during the games, he can grab him by the throat and then it will already carry certain risks. But for now, friends enjoy each other’s company.

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