«And they left in one day.»

Many have heard about the famous pair of lions Hubert and Calis, who were sent to another world together in one of the Los Angeles zoos. The zoo staff is very hard but still decided to euthanize together the lions because have been incredibly attached to each other for a very long time.

This affection made wild cats a kind of symbol of the zoo, unspoken and not officially recognized, but known to everyone. Due to age, they were 21 each and they had to take the last injection.

The couple became attached to each other already in adulthood, when they lost the ability to have cubs and after this meeting they did not part for all subsequent years.

«And they left in one day.» An elderly pair of lions went to the rainbow together with the assistance of people

Their connection was so amazing that many deliberately came to the same zoo to meet this very couple with their own eyes and on St. Valentine’s Day came couples in love.

The most surprising was the fact that usually a male lion has many lionesses throughout his life, who give birth to offspring, and an elderly lion in turn gives way to the strongest and youngest individual.

But our heroes were an exception, they remained faithful to each other for many years. It would be extremely painful and futile to treat them further, besides the departure of one of them would be a terrible blow for the other.That’s why the zoo staff made this difficult decision.

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