The name of this charming couple of retrievers is Watson and Kikko. They have been friends for a long time, however, this union would not be complete if it were not for the cat Harry, who believes that he is their brother and adopted all puppy habits.
This trio is very sweet and friendly, and they never swear among themselves. Two puppies and a cat will always find something to do and everyone will like these activities.
These charming friends also go to bed together. Retrievers lie down in the corners, and Harry’s cat can lie imposingly between them, and dogs usually play cat pranks on him. Another three love to travel with their mistress, with whom they traveled all over America.
The owner of these wonderful pets opened a special page for them on the social network, and very soon these charming animals became incredibly popular and gained more than 200 thousand followers who follow their adventures with pleasure.
As you can see, cats and dogs are far from being antagonists, they can get along very well and even make good friends, and this example is another confirmation of this. Have you seen such examples?