A homeless dog found with all four legs severed receives prosthetic titanium paws

After being found in the woods, a dog named Monica had only hope to find someone who would care enough to help her.

Maria Gapich and Alla Leonkina are devoted animal rescuers.They have made it their mission to help the many animals at risk in Russian cities. They received a call about Monica and immediately ran to save her life.

Monica was found in a cold forest by a woman who worked in the region. She immediately reached out to them after learning of their great work.

The two animal rescuers took her to the veterinary clinic in their city. When Monica arrived, it became clear how desperate she was.

Each of Monica’s legs was cut off a few inches above where her paws should have been. She was dangerously thin and scared.
It is impossible to know for sure what happened to Monica’s paws, but it is suspected that this is an act of cruelty. She not only had to endure such a severe injury, she was able to fend for herself for more than a week before she was rescued.

After everything she had been through, Monika was in a critical state. So she needed a team of veterinarians to save her life. Fortunately, Monica was in the right place.Everyone who cared for Monica gave everything they had, and they never doubted for a second that they could help her.

After Monica survived the first week of infertility, Marina and Alla began to explore options for prosthetic legs. They knew about the world famous orthopedic veterinarian. They decided to contact him in hopes of finding a solution to Monica’s leg problem.So they did it.

After examining X-rays and special images of each of Monica’s legs, Dr. Sergey Gorshkov considered her an excellent candidate for implanting a titanium prosthesis.If her rescuers could raise funds for this operation, Monica would be the first dog to have four prosthetics.

When Marina and Alla found out that the operation was possible, they started a fundraiser to offer Monica the brightest future. Thanks to donations from animal lovers around the world, nine months later Monica was sent to a specialist clinic in Novosibirsk, Russia, for her new paws.

Luckily Monika now has four prosthetic limbs that help her move easily.

Monica is recovering well from her surgery and will be heading to London soon to find her family. Her rescuers believe that she has a great chance to find a great future in London.

We thank everyone who gave Monica a new chance in life! Thanks friends

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