This boy did a very good deed.He saved three puppies abandoned in the street in a box. The puppies looked very miserable, but he brought them home and kept them warm. Fortunately, the puppies are now healthy and happy. This story is a reminder that there are kind people in the world who will help animals in need.
The boy heard a noise coming from the box as he walked down the street. When he got closer, he saw that the box was shaking. There were three puppies in the box.
The puppies were crying and whining from fear, helplessness and hunger. The boy quickly brought the puppies to his home, fed them and freed them from the box.
Due to lack of time, his parents couldn’t take care of the puppies and didn’t plan to have new pets in any way.But they became so attached to these crumbs that they decided to leave all three, because they needed love and care so much.
This story is a reminder that there are caring people in the world who will help animals in trouble.So in our time it is very easy to get carried away with our own lives and forget about those around us, but such stories remind us that there are also many noble people in the world. Stories like these also serve as great examples of kindness and caring for others for your children, whether they are humans or animals.