A street cat fell in love with a cat and always came to the house where she lived

About six months ago, a young American couple noticed that a street cat frequented their area. He approached the glass window on the door and followed their cat Meggie, whom, by the way, they once rescued and adopted.

It seemed to the owners that the cat needed help and brought him food, and also put a blanket with bedding so that he would not freeze. And so, the cat almost daily began to come for the kitty and they communicated nicely through the same glass.

And six months passed before the owners decided to introduce them. First they took him to the veterinarian and it turned out that the cat had certain health problems and he spent some time in hospital treatment.

And when he became completely healthy, he was taken home. The new owners gave him the nickname Oliver. Maggie immediately recognized the homeless cat, started sniffing it, and from that day on they became inseparable.

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