She was a free lady, but she became a mother of many children. Bulldog gave birth to 20 puppies

This story took place in Swindon, Wiltshire, England. A young girl named Amber Reese found out that her pet Kali was pregnant.

Since the dog is purebred and belongs to the rare type of bulldog, the 20-year-old mistress, who is breeding puppies for the first time, was very happy. She went to the vet to find out how Kali’s pregnancy was progressing.

The doctor did an ultrasound and said that the dog will have about 6-8 babies, and the owner will have to carefully observe her. This was Kali’s first pregnancy, so she needed special care and support from Amber.


Finally, the long-awaited day came when puppies began to appear. When the ninth was born, the girl was surprised, because the doctor spoke about 8 kids maximum.

On the 12th puppy, Amber got scared and went to the doctor. By that time, Kali had weakened , and no new crumbs appeared, although her tummy was full. The veterinarian gave the dog an injection, after which the rest of the puppies were born.

When they were counted, the hostess simply could not believe her eyes: there were exactly 20 of them.

“I was shocked, but very happy” the girl describes her emotions. “We were proud of Kali, because she turned out to be just a fine fellow”

However, the joy was premature, because 9 babies died, but the remaining 11 are in perfect order. They show great appetite and grow right before your eyes.

In the question if they have already come up with names, Amber repies in the negative. The girl says that they only gave the last one a name, and the baby was named Bambi. However, buyers will be able to name the puppies as they like.

Here is such a record holder, this young mother Kali.

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