Maggie’s life was full of heartache until the day she met her permanent family. Now she can’t stop hugging her owners.
Mary McCraw and her husband Mark had just lost their rescue dog Mishka to cancer a few months earlier. They weren’t sure they wanted to fill that void yet, but then they met Maggie.
“She melted my heart,” McCraw said. “We lost our other dog a few months before meeting Maggie and it was just a meeting in my head. I didn’t think I was ready for a new dog at the time.»
The emergency services had scheduled a meeting, and Maggie’s charm was too strong for the couple to resist.
“I leaned over so as not to startle her, and within seconds she was in my lap and in my life,” Mark said. “Her story broke our hearts. Meeting her was love at first sight, it was an instant connection. We felt like she was meant to be with us.»
Until this happy moment, Maggie had not been given any attention and her former owners used the dog only for breeding. The rescue connected Maggie to a loving foster family, where she was able to regain her strength. After months of healing, she was finally ready for adoption.