This poor dog, wandering along the side of the road, was unwanted and felt scared and abandoned. However, even this didn’t embitter the baby and she was still affectionate and trusted people very much.
Recently, volunteer George told how he was touched by this baby when he first stumbled upon him on the road. As soon as he stopped the car, the puppy immediately ran up and began to look at him with eyes full of sadness.
And when the young man held out his hand to him,at first he didn’t show confidence, since he had already seen a lot of terrible things from people and no longer expected anything good from them. Soon the puppy was already living with a new owner and it was simply unrecognizable.
He began to recover, grew bolder and showed a cheerful, playful disposition. He was a real handsome man, devoted and faithful, answering his master with great gratitude for the fact that he saved him from the horrors of a hungry and full of danger of life on the street and surrounded him with love and care.
To this day, it hasn’t been possible to find out how the puppy ended up on the side of the road, but one can only rejoice that he was very lucky, because he simply couldn’t stand it for a long stay.