Great Dane named Thunder weighs 95 kilograms
Great Danes are not in vain considered one of the largest breeds of dogs! An 8-year-old dog named Thunder lives in Canada with his owners and can easily
A tag dangled in the dog’s ear, and sadness was read in his eyes. His owner died and he was kicked out of the house
Inna Przhevalskaya sincerely hopes that her dog is happy now, because in the past he had to endure many hardships. The girl took the pet from the shelter
Caring policeman does his best to save baby coyote
A Massachusetts police officer received a report of a frightened dog found in the middle of the road late in the evening. The policeman that named Carlo postponed
This dog has survived the cruelty of people. And now she became a star, despite the consequences
This charming Instagram star’s story began with the pain and cruelty of people. At the time a poor dog lived with negligent owners who treated their pet very
The skinny kitten was sitting in the garbage, shivering from the cold. From weakness, he could no longer meow.
It was a cold dank autumn. Victoria Blinova went out into the street on business, and she had to walk past the yard dump. The woman saw something
The owners ran off their feet in search of a cat. And when he was found, they didn’t know how to react.
One hot summer day the owners lost their cat and couldn’t find it. People adored their pet, so they didn’t give up the search. And when the fugitive
«Kissed!». Seven adorable Labradors swooped in on the cat and covered him with kisses
We all heard more than once that dogs and cats interact very badly. However, there are many examples where this stereotype loses relevance. The story that happened in
Lion cubs rejected by their mother adopted by a caring German sheepdog
Keeping wild animals in cages is not good for many reasons. This affects them both physically and mentally.It makes them even lose their maternal instinct, which leads to
He jumped into an ice-cold river to save the life of a bear cub that was already going underwater
Eli Barclay went fishing with father Darrin. They expected a big catch, but things happened out of the plan. Father and son were walking towards their tent when
A pregnant sheepdog became homeless, and she had to give birth to puppies in an old garage
And purebred dogs, unfortunately, often become unnecessary for some people. In fact a pregnant shepherd once ended up on the street ans she was wandered around the area
Diver Ian Young and Beluga Whale Milan
Remembering amazing stories about land animals that touch your soul, how can you not remember those who live in the depths of the seas and oceans? This story
Nurse Cat Rademenes
This story looks mystical, especially considering the fact that its main participant is a black cat. In 2014, a 2 months old cat was brought to the Animal
Kylie and snowflake duck
There is an ironic, although not very common, saying that is sometimes used when they want to show the stupidity of a particular person. They say about him
Maddison and Lily. A story about female friendship
This isn’t just a touching story about the friendship of two dogs — it is a story about selfless devotion and support. Moreover, the ending of this story
Why cats don’t like when someone touches their tail
Many owners notice that their cats are not at all enthusiastic about the fact that someone touches their tail. Sometimes even a light touch irritates the cat and

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