Mother bear turned to her to remove the splinter fro the cubs pow
It is very difficult to trust this story but anyways let us to tell it to you. One bright morning the girl wake up dressed and decided to
The dog was betryaed and unhappy becouse of it
There was time when he was the only pet of Sarah Nicshey but much time later she took a chanse and had more dogs. One day when she
The carmakers made a very good place for the homeless dogs to live there
This story is a very wonderful one and it will really take his plse in your inner world. Workers of bus station gave a place to the homeless
Somebody threw the dog in the well and very frightening but very friendly cogra saved it
The dogs were thrown in the well and there started being friends with cruel very frightening cobra who was two metres.When two men saw that they were very
It was already many days that deer was coming to the dogs house and his owner used to it
The man liked the nature very much that is why went to live in the willage. He often saw wild animals which came to the yards of their
Dog found a baby in the mountain and brought a man to him
A man was driving home when suddenky the dog chase him. The dog wanted the man to pay attention to him and with a very hard way he
The black Labrador ran to all cars and all drivers in that way he wanted them to help the poor dog and his mom
The dog was barking and jumping to all drivers in order to ask for help for the poor dog and his  puppy . That day Stephan was goind
The dog was barking on the carpet without stoping he was not wrong there he discovered the unknown guests
The owner of the dog told to the journalists that she noticed the dog who was barking in the carpet and did not stop it  was very strange
The family did not like the dog but when he saved their baby’s life became the loveliest one
There are a lot of situations when in the villages people sell their houses and buy the other one in the city and let their animals in the
Sherrif and his little puppy were arrested and did not live even a day and were buried the same dayd
67 years old man worked as a policeman he did it 40 years In Georgia in Ogayino. He  had alrey retired and wanted that summer tohave a voyage
The dog was looking his owner already two years but he had died
The dog was walking in the street not paying attention on anything or anybody he was very tired hungry and looked very unhappy. The people who lived in
The dog combed the cat many days and saved her to live
This is a story about the dog who helped and saved the little kitten. People did not even noticed the little poor  kitten.They thought that the dog did
The eleventh years friendship of a lion and a man who anytime helped the animal
The lions are very cruel animals and a person must be very careful with them.They are cruel but it is not so that they can not be friendly
To save his owners life the left dog cought the five kolometres string
That the dogs are frankly and honest everyone can be shure. They are always with their owners and will never let them in bad situation.This is a story
The dog was criing from hunger the owner decided to get off from him
The man was walking in the street where he saw the owful dog.He was terribly thin and was so ill that could not even walk .It was sure

Best Friends