What does the child of this unusual couple look like: The albino Bera Ivanishvili and his wife Nanuka Gudavadze!
Bera Ivanishvili is a famous singer, musician and model.
He is albino, and it is his appearance that has become his “lucky ticket” in his career.
During her 26 years, Bera has modeled for many brands, participated in photo shoots and fashion projects.
Behind him too, a concert in a hundred thousandth stadium and 24 million views gained the pics.
The artist plays piano, guitar, violin and percussion, programs the rhythms.
Ivanishvili has many admirers and admirers, but his heart has long belonged to one and only one.
In 2018 Bera married model Nanuka Gudavadze, in November 2019 they had a boy, who was named Beruka.
Netizens admire the beauty of not only Bera and Nanuki, but also their baby.
Almost under every picture there are a lot of very nice and nice comments with best wishes.
She married an albino and everyone was baffled when they showed their baby to the world
Many people call this family fabulous, because in addition to external beauty, mutual understanding and love reign there.