In the abandoned hospital no one has worked for a long time. Only here were the kittens that needed to be saved

The old abandoned hospital hadn’t had a single patient in a long time. But it was here, among the dirt, broken things and debris, that a cat suddenly appeared … She came here, thinking that this is a safe place.

Soon kittens were born here. That’s just the living conditions for the young were not suitable. That is why volunteers appeared in front of a pile of garbage. They needed to find the babies and save the entire four-legged family.

But the wild cat didn’t understand the good intentions the rescuers. And seeing people, she hurried away. Moving with difficulty through the rubble, the volunteers called him, but she continued to hide.

Finally people saw kittens. They were lying in a pile of garbage.Really it was very difficult to get to them. But people didn’t give up.

Several pretty faces looked at them with scared little eyes. There were three babies and they were lying under a collapsed shelf. The little ones were silent without making a single sound.

All of them managed to be carefully carried out. It was clear that the kittens were wild and had never been in contact with humans. Their faces expressed fear, tension and distrust.Although the warm towel in which they were wrapped clearly pleased the kittens.

After a short time they were sent to the local organization Eleventh Hour for overexposure. Small cuties of wool began to study the situation and the people that were there.The most courageous little one even got up on his hind legs and tried to stick to the volunteer’s leg with his claws.

So what about the mother cat? Unfortunately, the rescuers did not tell anything about her. It is likely that she was also rescued or maybe the wild purr was never caught. In any case, you don’t have to worry about the fate of her kids: they are in good hands.

I would like to wish every kitten to meet a loving and caring owner.

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