Now we share with you a very interesting story about the cat who was named Feliks .
The cat was the heroe of the period.She always came to the statin Russa and waited we do not know what.From th 22.40 the pussy sat in the road and was looking round her.What was waiting to him?
She was waiting the Pskov-Moscow train.It was known that the waitress of the train always feeded her.All knew the cat they always feeded her for many years.It became a tradition.Very soon the photo of the very famous cat became the star of the social sites.
The man named Dmitry was the actor of an article and the photo making in order to find more comfortable conditions.And the very waited had happened .The man was found who wanted to bring the cat.
She started live in an Old Russia .But she was so shy taht went from home unnoticable .Went to the station to eat sweets and came back again.
Do you agree that this was the most shy pet we have ever met.