For six months the little children fed an adorable puppy and one day….. This beautiful story happened in a village. One fine morning, people found a puppy in their yard that had settled there well. People don’t chase him.
They kept the poor guy. The family tried to find its owners, but to no avail. First the poor puppy was afraid of the noises and he hid. People fed him and left water. A few days later the dog began to make friends with its new owners.
The dog loved to go for a walk, every day he went and always came hungry. One day the dog came with injuries. He was very weak, he could not get up. His new owners began to treat him. The adorable dog was very friendly.
Once her owner went to the store with the dog, on the street they noticed two men running towards them. The dog began to bark and scared the hooligans. The dog protected its new owner, he showed his gratitude for having been saved.