This story is a perfect example of being a good neighbor and one that we can all recognize as a completely selfless act.
Angie Tima is an 89-year-old woman who has gone through hard times.
Tima had been living at her home in Hudson, Florida for a long time when she received the bad news.A few years ago, Tima sold the house to someone, but she herself still lived in it.Completely without her knowledge, the man who owned the house moved to Europe and completely stopped paying his mortgage!
A few months later, the elderly woman found out that she was going to be evicted and would be officially evicted.
The house had officially gone into foreclosure, and Tyma had no idea what to do. Her husband had died nearly 20 years before, and she didn’t think she’d be thrown out into the street. However, the determined woman was adamant, she was going to find a way.
However, despite struggling and trying to make things work, the inevitable finally happened.
Incredibly, the authorities came and removed the elderly woman from her home of 35 years, tossing her out. For the almost 90-year-old woman, the future looked rather bleak. Without a job or a place to go, what was she going to do?
Many of her neighbors saw all of the things being removed from the home, they knew that nothing good was happening. Danielle Calder, one of the neighbors that Tyma had a relationship with, asked around and learned what was happening.
Contacting the company, Calder asked what was going on and then did something rather incredible, she bought the home.
In an act that would shock even the kindest of people, Calder decided to buy the house herself and put Tima in it as a tenant. Now Calder was going to be a landlord!Why go to such great lengths to keep an elderly woman in a house she couldn’t afford?
The neighborhood surprised Tyma with the house on her birthday, which was even freshly painted.
“Usually one of my neighbors bakes me a cake every year, but this time, when I got out of the car, and saw all these people, and the media… I was in a state of shock,” she said. “I was speechless. I couldn’t even talk.”
This is what is called being a good neighbor!Few people would go so far as to buy a house for a family member, let alone a neighbor.