State police trooper rescues confused and neglected puppy left alone in the interstate

Again and again, we are hearing stories of poor home pets left neglected by their owners.

This time it’s the story of a dog that was left alone by her owner. The sad dog was stuck in the middle of heavy traffic all confused and devastated.

On Sunday a state police trooper found out an unusual traffic jam. She looked to see if there was an accident but encountered a scene of a dog that refused to walk away from the highway.

The dog caused a jam and wasn’t aware of it. She was scared by the people who were stuck with their cars. It seemed as nobody cared about the chaotic situation.

Thankfully, officer Allison Marlowe is a dog person and helped everyone to be content. She knew that the dog needed love and care. She carried a bag of dog treats. Later she tells that there is a number of police officers that take dog treats with themselves.

The plan worked. The dog gave up laying on the street and agreed to be taken away.

Bystanders explain that the owner just stopped the car and pulled the dog out of the vehicle. It was a horrible scene.

During the trip into a safer place as a shelter, the dog enjoyed her snacks and became more sociable. Later she was named Grace.

Grace finally gets the care she was so desperate for.

Huge thanks to the state trooper that was not indifferent to the dog!

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