Tatyana Masko did not plan to have cats. She didn’t even think about bringing a pet into the house, she never found homeless kittens and puppies on the street.But one day everything changed.
In October last year, the girl returned home. Autumn was extremely warm, but for some reason that evening was very cool, and Tanya even put on a warm sports jacket.
When the girl was next to the entrance, she heard a quiet squeak under her feet. Looking down, Tatyana saw a very weak kitten sitting on the road. He did not even try to run after the stranger,he simply did not have the strength to do so.
Other kittens literally follow people, hoping that they will be helped, but this little one sat on the ground , his muzzle down. The baby was crying, sobbing and shuddering from the cold.
And then the girl, who had never before had to meet such miserable kittens, suddenly became very clear that she wouldn’t leave here without this poor fellow. Tanya forgot where she was going and what she was going to do,so her thoughts were taken over by a new acquaintance.
The kitten was at home in a minute, and the girl was in a hurry for milk, food and cat litter.
The kid looked good for a homeless person. He did not have any physical injuries, but the baby turned out to be very hungry and clearly froze to death on the street. He eagerly jumped on food, and after warm bathing he fell asleep.
In the morning it turned out that the pet is not as healthy as it seemed at first. His eyes were flattening with pus, and he himself itched from flea bites. Tanya’s family took the cat to the vet, where he was treated.A few weeks later, the cat was healthy, but for some reason he didn’t want to play. He probably needed time to get used to his new family.
And there was no doubt that he had a family before. He was familiar with the tray and ate as if other kittens were about to take his food away from him. Probably, someone got rid of the animal by throwing it into the street.
Tanya tried to find the previous owners of the baby, but to no avail. She went around all the neighbors, but no one had ever seen him before.
Now the pet’s name is Foxik (Little Fox). He recently turned seven months old, and this is an extremely grateful and intelligent cat. He has become attached to a new family, and tries not to disappoint the owners.Fox only looks into people’s eyes with gratitude. Probably, he will never forget that it was Tanya who took him from the street when he completely lost hope …