For such a good job, Max received the title of “honorary police officer.”
After lunch, q three-year-old girl played in the yard of her house. But suddenly she left the yard and went completely to the other side, followed by the old family dog.
The girl missed. When the parents caught up it was already very late. They searched along with the police until the night but nothing came of regret.
The search continued early in the morning. And at 8 in the morning, the volunteers managed to find the lost girl two kilometers from the house.
First, the rescuers bumped into Max that ran and took people after him.
After a few minutes, people found the girl, everything was in order with her, she was done with a couple of scratches.
In all its visibility, Max all these hours was next to the child and guarded him. For such a good job, Max received the title of “honorary police officer.”
“The territory around the house of the girl’s parents is rather hilly and the locality is very unfriendly if you walk here on foot. It’s amazing how the girl could go so far. The search was very difficult, there is a lot of dry shrubs and other vegetation, as well as steep slopes,” says a member of the search team Ian Apps.
“Aurora was a little depressed and scared when she saw that we all began to cry. But I told her that these were tears of happiness,” says the grandmother.
”A hundred different unpleasant things could have happened to her, but we found her and she is alive and well.”
Max is reported to be 17 years old, deaf and partially blind. He always had a good relationship with the girl.
Aurora smelled strongly of wet dog hair, she slept all night in the dog’s arms and this partially protected her from the night cold.