Meet the incredible beauty named Belle. She was born with a luxurious, magnificent tail, which is difficult to resist and not touch.Belle’s owner also keeps other pets and Belle grows up surrounded by cats and puppies.
But Belle stands out from the background of many pets. There is a feeling that this is an unusual cross between a squirrel and a cat — look, do not confuse!
Most of all, our Belle loves to hide in cardboard boxes, and it was there that the owner arranged a place for her to relax.In a cozy nest, she is warm and well, and she may not leave here for a long time. She is so charming that you want to stroke this ball of wool even through the screen.
Our beautiful heroine was born in Japan and now she is three years old. It belongs to the Napoleon breed, which are quite rare, and such tails are almost never found at all.Breeders bred the Napoleonic breed relatively recently and is a cross between a Persian cat and a Munchkin.
They are characterized by short legs, but despite this feature, they are far from clumsy. They jump and run with great, true cat agility.These beauties, who are gaining popularity in Japan, are completely unable to adapt to life on the street.
These gentle creatures in the conditions of street life simply will not survive, they will become victims of their other relatives, not to mention dogs.