The homeless dog tried to make girl happy with every movement. It looks like he even stopped suddenly breathing.

The pet had a rather difficult life, but he often came across really good people.

A dog named Chestnut was once a patient and pupil of the veterinary center for homeless animals «Friends» in the city of Voronezh. Once a homeless pet got hit by a car, after which he was taken to the center, operated on and then taught the poor man to walk again!
There he lived for almost two years, after which he met with Natalya.


The girl really wanted to get a dog, but she could not afford it. The reasons were different, but the result is always the same. When she decided to take an animal from the shelter, she chose an elderly dog named Veles, but, unfortunately, he burned out from cancer in just a month. And although Natasha was very worried about the death of the animal, she realized that she didn’t want to live without a dog.

She was looking for her dog for a very long time. Sometimes she seemed to annoy even the most patient volunteers by asking them in detail about each pet.


One day, Natasha brought some things to the «Friends» veterinary center and met Chestnut there.
She repeatedly drawn attention to social media ads about Chestnut, but it seemed to her that he was so huge for a small apartment.

The girl went out for a walk with Chestnut, and during the walk she suddenly realized that her search was over.
Happy Chestnut seemed to have even forgotten to breathe. He caught every movement of the girl, trying to make her happy and please her.

The very next day, Natasha signed a contract to take the dog home. Since then, Chestnut has a home and a loving owner. Sometimes it was difficult for a girl with a pet and even had to turn to an animal psychologist, but she never regretted choosing him.

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