Meet Sheila a beautiful lioness with an amazing coat color and radiant eyes. For a long time, her beautiful appearance was admired by all people, and she was famous.
Light color is a rarity, so the lioness immediately became famous. But did it brought her happiness? Of course not.They were taking the photos with her, she was constantly surrounded the crowds of people and the owner strove to make money on her.
Soon poor Sheila was being exploited in the entertainment industry by turning the lioness into a circus animal. Holidays, events, parties not a single major celebration was complete without Sheila.
It is not wonder that at some point the lioness became weak and began to show signs of illness. She was taken from her owner and sent to the In-Sync Exotics Wildlife Rescue and Education Center.
At that time, Sheila was emaciated, but she refused to eat. And besides, it was felt that the animal was depressed, and she simply had no taste for life.
Some employees of the organization decided that it is best to euthanize the poor animal. Fortunately, there were those who refused to give up. They tested the lioness and soon discovered that she had toxoplasmosis. Parasites in the body of this large cat prevented her from living a normal life. And then it was decided to start treatment
Sheila soon began to recover, but still something was wrong. The lioness was still sad and showed no interest in life.The staff of the organization didn’t know how to help her.
And then they remembered a lion named Kan. He also lived here and was also alone. And their life story was similar. Kan was mocked by his owner and earned money from the animal. By the way, it was the same person from whom Sheila had been taken away.
The employees of the organization decided to introduce the two, and the plan was a success. It didn’t take a long and the lions became strong friends. They were even transplanted into one cage so that the animals would have more fun.
Sheila’s mood immediately lifted. Now they are happy, but the former owner was deprived of the license and banned from keeping animals.
And they did the right thing.Now this person will not harm any living creature!