Last month, a young Canadian from Quebec named Matthew Patry had an unusual story: a man discovered a gray kitten in the dense forests.
Matthew thought it was a pet, but upon closer inspection it turned out he was wrong!
Surprise in the grass
Early in the morning, Matthew Patry went for a bike ride. He was driving past a wooded area when suddenly something furry caught his attention.The man immediately guessed that it was some kind of animal, but decided to take a closer look. Imagine his surprise when he pulled a kitten out of the grass!
But he looked strange: the baby clearly resembled some other animal!
“I looked at those thick paws and realized that it was… a lynx cub! Rounded ears, tiny tail… I was very surprised to see a lynx in our area!” the Canadian confessed.
Deciding that somewhere nearby is the mother of the «kitten», Patri decided not to tempt fate and put the baby in the place.The man continued on his way, but could not forget the little gray baby, he left on the forest path.
The kid fought for his life!
The next day, Matthew purposefully came to the same place to find out how the little foundling was doing.
To his great amazement, the baby was in the same place, only now he was screaming desperately.It was clear that the lynx mother would not come to him, and the baby threatened to remain in the forest all alone.
This time, the man did not think for a long time, but simply took the tiny predator to his home.Realizing that he was unlikely to be able to cope with raising a small lynx, Matthew called the wildlife center at the local zoo.
There he was advised to drink and feed the baby before he was taken away. A few hours later, the baby went to the center, where people who understand predators decided to take care of the forest foundling.
The next day, his rescuer came to see how the little orphan was feeling. It turned out that the little lynx has been starving for a long time, and its weight is much less than what is required for an animal of its age.
Apparently, the abandoned baby fought for life as best he could, and if it were not for Matthew’s help, it is not known how his fate would have turned out.
Representatives of the zoo decided that they would help the baby to get stronger, and then they would let him go into the wild, where he could take care of himself on his own.
“I am very glad that I was able to help! He is safe and feels good. I am happy that the little lynx survived, because he is so beautiful!” Matthew said warmly.
Well, we are glad that thanks to the caring of this man, the lynx cub was saved, and he will no longer have to starve.