A cat stayed with her six kittens in a car yard until aid arrived, ensuring that no one was left behind.
Best Friends Felines (BFF, an animal charity in Brisbane, AU) was called earlier this month about a mother cat and her six kittens discovered in industrial garbage at a car yard.
They brought the entire family of seven to the vet right away to be assessed.
Aurora, the cat mom, was famished and had no food source while attempting to feed six hungry mouths.
She spent the entire time in the bin feeding her babies and keeping them alive.
When she was given a full dish of food, the mama cat was overjoyed and scarfed it down like there was no tomorrow.
Aurora’s legs regained strength after some nice meal and a warm, comfortable nest to rest in.
She gradually recovered enough strength to rise up on all fours and resume walking.
When a foster caregiver enters the room to assist her, she is overjoyed to receive some attention and pets.
Aurora is overjoyed to have a roof over her head and plenty of food.
She is an excellent mother to her litter of six, always ensuring that their tummies are filled, and their coats are clean.